I thought it must be a year since I last posted anything and it is over a year. Setting up this Blog was my way of telling the world what I wanted to say and to act as a sort of documentation ( a Diary if you must) of my life as it changed when my eldest went off to Uni.
Fact is I ran out of steam after a couple of years and once the motivation is gone it is hard to get it back. Also the rather sad realization had dawned that my life is fucking boring and what talent as a writer I thought I had was exhausted in those first two years.
Anyway, things are still very much the same. Music wide it has been a busy year (for me). The Wedding Present, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, The Manic Street Preachers,Bryan Ferry and Paco Pena. Got Explosions In The Sky to look forward to and Teenage Fanclub too.
Still running. Paris Marathon in April. My time was my worst ever at 5:50. Shouldn't have run it really as I had been quite ill for a few weeks leading up to it with a cold/flu/virus and a niggling knee injury. But I did it anyway and enjoyed the occasion.
Peterborough United have been both frustrating and poor but I still go as often as I can afford. we got a new dog, another Patterdale. The house was too big and empty without a dog.
My daughter is six months into a trip to Australia. We both miss her but Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp mean we are in daily contact.
Work wise I'm back in the West End of the City after a 17 year absence. This is the most multi cultural part of the Town and the only part that in anyway resembles London. I only live 1 and a half miles away from where I work and my area is pretty mixed but here in Benwell it is like a different country. Poor and scruffy and neglected but you can buy food and products from across Eastern Europe and the World. As a Londoner in exile for 25 years its a bit like coming home.