Friday 4 February 2011

Language School- The Tours

The third in my occasional series of Songs You Really Should Hear this song seemed to be played every night on John Peel's show when it was released but it probably wasn't. It was played enough for me to register its brilliance and use my school dinner money to purchase it from  the cool record shop Tracks in Hertford.

Anyway it is a cracking song that races along with  added advantage of barely intelligible lyrics that made it seem more alluring. I almost took a TEFL course on the back of this song with its seeming promise of  foreign girls in language schools being very keen on their teachers!!

Language School- The Tours

I never heard anything more from them after this masterpiece but if you Google them you will find some stuff. I could provide you with links but that would just make you Internet surfers even more lazy than you already are. Look it up yourself if you want. It's not hard.

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