Wednesday 1 December 2010

Snowed Under

One week later and it is still here. More than ever. It has snowed every day for a week now. My front garden is under three to four feet of snow and it is up to the height of the decking in my back garden.

My daily walk to and from work has turned into some army like assault course of clambering over piles of snow that are 2 foot high or bigger. My local council is obviously saving its grit as yes the main roads are passable, it's just that no one can get out of their drives into the street to get to them. Buses are fewer, Metros are packed. We are all pissed off. Constantly worried about food (rumours have started that the supermarkets are running low on supplies) every day we wonder are we going to get to/from work OK.  There was spectacular lightning and thunder on Sunday night just before midnight which in that strange eerie night bright light of the snow made it seem  like the end of the world. It spooked everyone who saw it. Me included.

To make matters worse it snowed within the M25 radius last night so consequently its the lead item on the national news.Like it has never snowed before.

The dog has gone doolally and literally runs like a wild thing through the snow  every time we go out. As he is small black dog this looks quite funny when he emerges covered in the snow. The thing is though  it sticks to his fur in little clumps and takes ages to get off when we get back from his walk.So I spend 5 or 10 minutes wrestling the dog- he is an excitable terrier who just wants his post walk treat- in the cold and wet to try and dry him off before letting him into the house

Me and the wife were supposed to be going to Edinburgh this weekend Christmas shopping. I think we will have to rearrange that trip. 

I'm dreaming of a slightly damp, grey Christmas.

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