I have been lacking a bit of inspiration recently hence the gap between posts. I am really busy at work and this has meant I haven’t felt able to think of exciting things to post about.
The reason I’m busy is the Government’s changes to the benefit system, and principally
"the bedroom tax”.
In the Social housing world there is a lot of debate , mostly of it anti , this reduction in Housing Benefit ( rent rebate) for those who are of working age and unemployed.
After doing numerous visits and having numerous discussions about it. I have to say that in all honesty I am not against the principle but as always it is the detail that lets it down,.
Firstly the 14% reduction in benefit for under occupying by 1 room is too high. Here in my city this works out on average at £12 PW from an income of between £56 and £111 per week depending on whether you are under 25 ( lower rate) or a couple ( the higher rate). Secondly it is a bit of a one size fits all solution to the undoubted issue of under occupation in the social housing sector. There is little flexibility to accommodate individual circumstances. Thirdly it could have been phased, say 3 bedrooms( yes there are some) first then 2 bedrooms then 1 over a couple of years.
A smaller reduction coupled with flexibility and phasing would have rendered this policy totally politically neutral. I don't see a future Labour Government overturning these plans. They are probably just relieved that the Coalition has done its dirty work for it.
As it is I think the working majority ( particularly in the South east) will support this up until it causes problems on the street.Although I'm not sure it will. Its more likely the new Council Tax Benefit proposals will.
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