Tuesday 3 February 2009

A Bit About Me part 1

I thought I'd give you a few biographical details, because I know you are all desperate to know about me!

I'm not a Geordie although I have lived here in Newcastle for nearly twenty years. I was born in London but brought up in Hertfordshire,in a small market town (well it was in the Sixties) halfway between London and Cambridge. I hated it and couldn't wait to leave which I did when I was 18 going off to University in Manchester. I chose Manchester simply because of the music coming out of there in the late 70s and in particular three bands I was into in : The Buzzcocks, The Distractions and Joy Division. I thought it would be a great music city and it was.

Music dominated my teens from being about 14 and discovering Alan Freeman on a Saturday afternoon playing Axe Victim by Be Bop Deluxe. I discovered music's power to totally stop me dead in my tracks. Be Bop and Bill Nelson went onto to be my first great music passion. I might post a Be Bop classic later when I get to grips with this blogging lark.

Growing up, the house was always full of music.My Dad was a great Jazz fan so I grew up listening to Dave Brubeck, Modern Jazz Quartet, Stan Getz, Chet Baker Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday etc. Radio Two was always on in the car and I would listen to Radio 1 and Radio Caroline(mk11)most days in my bedroom.

That's enough for now. the Sun is shining, the snow has gone and I have work to do. Catch up with you later.

1 comment:

granata said...

A fellow Distractions fan! Keep an eye on the new official website at www.thedistractions.co.uk