Monday 2 February 2009

Let it Snow , Let it Snow, Let it Snow.

Well, all those wimps in London. 2 inches of snow here and I got to work alright!. Having said that it did take me twice as long as normal and I only work 3 miles from home. The traffic was horrendous and I had to come in via Town and get a bus out again. Bit of a sneaky post this one as I had assumed that Blogspot would be surf controlled.Perhaps the work IT geeks didn't make it in. Access at work will make this Blog easier to do, rather than fight for the PC with my son as he follows NFL sites.

A bit tired today as i stayed up with aforemnetioned 17 year old son to watch the first quarter of Superbowl. My son has really got into American Football in the last two years. He plays for Gateshead Senators Youth team (as a Tight end whatever one of those is). They got to Britbowl last year but lost in the Final to a London team. So he tries to get me interested, but I just can't get excited about a game that has about 2 minutes of activity every 15 minutes.Give me proper football anyday. Talking of which the draw in the North East derby meant my wife was not as rajjie as I thought she might be at halftime. Still The Toon are going down. (Don't tell her I said that, please)

1 comment:

Michael said...

Your wife already knows, trust me.
At least we've had a while to get used to the idea.