Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Wednesday Week

Dear Reader,
Another week has flown by without a post from me. What can I say , except sorry.

I went down to Peterborough on Saturday to see Posh win 2-1 against the McDons. Met up with my son.We had a good time. Sunday was entertaining my wife's Canadian cousins and that was good too.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Random post

I was walking to work today and this song came up on the MP3 player I am currently using (my Sony Walkman  16gb MP3 is bust after getting soaked through in a downpour a week or two ago).

 Hope and Social- Sunlight Hold Me

 In fact today was a good day for excellent tunes on the MP3 player

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Keep On Running

Today was Great North Run day. I finished in 2:20:45 a big improvement on last year and next year I will be coming in under 2:20. The extra training paid off. Now to keep it going through the Winter.

I enjoyed the run which is not something I can say every  year but this time I could feel I had done enough  preparation. The crowds were as big as ever .This year many more people seemed to be walking especially up John Reid Road

I actually saw some people I knew as well- James and Jess- normally I never see anyone I know. The weather was OK but as I crossed the finish instead of the Red arrows it was a cloud burst and I got soaked. Journey back on the Bus was good  though and I was home with a cup of tea by half past two.

Roll on next year.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Blogging Habit

Like most things regular Blogging is a habit and like most habits you sometimes drop it. I'm amazed I have managed to sustain this Blogging lark for over 18 months. I still feel I have something to say- I just need to get back in the habit of telling you all what that something is.

All is mostly well in the household- son has gone back to London for 2nd year at Uni, daughter is in Year 13 (Upper 6th to you oldies), wife is getting stuck into her new job. And me? Well you know just carrying on carrying on. Running lots. It's GNR time again this weekend. Lets see if I can get below 2.20 this year.

see you soon