Monday 12 October 2009

Back To Normal

I started to feel OK again over the weekend. We went to Loch Fyne again on Friday- it's boring I know but we like it- and sampled their new autumn menu. I had a £10 off coupon as well which I supposed paid for the Taxis there and back. I was all for walking home over the Moor but my wife was a bit cold on that idea.

The weekend was quiet, just a couple of Facebook chats with my son, some housework and shopping . Not much music still this week but I am slowly getting back into the swing of it all. wish I wasn't at work today because I am not in the mood for it all.

Perhaps it's the not having a holiday this year? Or perhaps it's just boredom.

The wife hasn't officially been made redundant yet as she didn't get the job (now there's a surprise!)but that is more to do with her boss's incompetence than any real chance of a reprieve.So we are looking at her being made redundant as soon as January or as late as April next year.

I was a bit surpised to find that Mick - my mate who has gone to Belgium- has stumbled across this Blog.Kind words, Mick thank you. Next time do it in Flemish!!!

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