Monday 2 March 2009


A mix of a post this one. The Decorators have done their work very nicely. If you live in Newcastle or North East and want some work done I would recommend them. New Century Decorators 0191 274 4271. No website, they are a bit old fashioned, in a sense that's what you want from painters and decorators. The kids don't like the change.The dog is a bit confused by all the disruption.So its gone down well

We are now post birthday week so, like every year, it feels a bit anti climactic. This year especially so since my son was eighteen and my daughter 16. Big milestones in every one's life.

My daughter was dancing at Durham Gala Theatre last night. It was a school dance troupe plus guests type thing.I wouldn't have gone except she was dancing in two pieces. Modern dance, not my cup of tea. Mind you neither is ballet.She is a talented dancer and is doing work experience this year at Dance City in town. She is doing Grade 6 Ballet exam in the Summer. I hope she can make a living through it.

My son had American football training at Gateshead Stadium for the Senators as usual so it was a bit of a whirl travelling up and down and around the region yesterday. We did manage to fit a bit of food shopping in at Aldi. I love Aldi, its cheap but very good quality food especially the Dairy and Deli stuff . My son tells me that in Germany Aldi is the equivalent of Sainsbury.The service sucks but that is somehow part of its charm. Better than Netto where food and the service suck.

I ripped most of my Wedding Present collection onto the PC last night to put onto my MP3 player. I am after comfort music at the moment after a week or so of forcing myself to listen to new stuff.I am taking a break from Lammo on 6Music for now and indulging my Cinerama/Wedding Present obsession.

One of the new bands I have come across during my foray into the unknown are The Maccabees. I'd forgotten I had seen them supporting someone last year and was impressed then. There is a free download of a good song from their website here.

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