Wednesday 23 December 2009

Let It Snow

The second time I have used that title for a blog entry.

Well it's not so much snow falling more the existing snow refusing to melt. Today the temperature was 2degrees centigrade when my wife dropped me off at work.That's the warmest it has been all week.So Friday night's heavy snowfall is still present on the side roads and all the pavements outside the centre of Newcastle. This is making walking to and from work quite arduous , hence me getting lifts from the wife.
She is not too hopeful about her interview yesterday with a leading Registered Social Landlord for a one year contract Change Management job. Still she is in a for a further interview in the New Year.

My son arrived home last night. He seems much the same only more grown up, he seems a bit taller as well.He's got a nasty cough so his mum is already fretting about him.
My daughter was out for another meal last night. Monday night Scalinis at the Three Mile Inn and yesterday evening she was at Unos in town.The Quayside was eerily quiet and some bars didn't appear to be even open.

Christmas is around the corner. Yaaaaaaaay!!!!

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