Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Wednesday Week

Another long gap in my updates of this Blog.Not much to report really, Christmas is coming, I'm getting fat- too many mice pies already!!

My wife didn't get the job she was interviewed for last week. She had an interview for another job yesterday and I hope she gets that one. Failing that she has an interview for another job next week.

My daughter is back at school but still not 100%.

Music wise it has been a quiet week, although I did pick up a boxed set of Velvet Underground Singles-different versions to the albums. Not exactly cutting edge but I was inspired to do so by watching a 6 Music Hub session of Little Boots and Gary Numan doing a version of Venus In Furs. A beautiful woman singing a song about sado masochism to an electronic beat, I mean what's not to like about that? Shame about the old bloke in a very bad wig who was also on the video.

You can buy the boxed set here

You can see the session here

Edit 17/12/2009 I see the session has been taken down.Shame but you can still see Little boots singing another of her songs.

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