Friday 2 April 2010

Home Maintenance

A couple of years ago we decided to redo our back garden and had decking put down. It looks nice but two years on it needs cleaning and protecting. This is hard work. I have been finishing off the bottom deck today.If it's dry tomorrow I will treat it with our deck protector stuff. I've still got the top deck to do. I have been waiting until it was safe to go out the back door without risking the builders who are doing next door's extension dropping the odd roof tile on my head. They have finished that now so this Easter weekend I know what I will be doing.

The torrential downpours of earlier in the week meant a roof leak and water penetration in our bedroom. Tuesday night was a bit like sleeping in a tent in a downpour and the water dripping into the strategically placed buckets kept us awake for a couple of hours. Anyway T P Dillon roofing contractor is coming over the weekend to renew the hip and ridge tiles and cement and sand fillet and replace some of the more perished rosemary tiles on our 75 year old roof. I am hoping that is all that is needed to stop the rain coming in.

Today is Good Friday of course. Mr Dillon himself said he never used to work on Bank Holidays but "it's all different now". Indeed it is.

We had to go shoppping to buy a new Dyson today.Shoppping on Good Friday still doesn't feel right and I'm not even a bit religious.

What with Leeds Festival tickets x 2, roofing contractors to pay and a new hoover this week is turning out to be a very expensive one.

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