Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Snow Is Falling All Around

As I trudged up the hill homeward from work I can't say that the snowflakes falling  felt like kisses but there is always something magical about being out and about in the snow as it falls and turns the pavements, roads and the Moor white.

I hope the snow  doesn't last as long as last year though.

The dog will be confused as always when we are out tonight, the snow seems to puzzle him as if he is wondering what is this white stuff and where is the the ground. Perhaps it muffles all the scents and smells he loves from the discarded KFC bags that get  dumped around the back of my house.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Back to the 80's

Tories in power, a totally ineffectual Labour opposition, public spending cuts, riots and now a Royal Wedding, Truly it is the 80's again. We just need a war ( Afghanistan doesn't really count- but watch out Iran) and a modern day equivalent of the Miner's strike and hey, living proof that if you live long enough history does repeat itself.

I have  a horrible feeling that my union,Unison,could be this time round's union fall guys.  Lots of tough talk about "Fighting the Tory cuts", "They have no mandate in the North East etc etc" are being heard here. I'm not sure the membership will go with this though. Depends how much more they clobber us with after they have frozen our pay for three years (this is year 1) and threatened  to cut our pensions.The latter might be what gets the rank and file agitated  enough to strike although  I thought Hutton's review was quite sensible in the main.

Thinking about the 80's made me think of this band for some reason.

Come Back - The Mighty Wah

I saw them when they were Wah! Heat in a club in Manchester with Pink Military sometime in early 1980. I don't remember much about the gig but I do remember some bloke bashing a tray over his head and ranting into the microphone. This was performance art according to my friend Dennis.

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Remembrance Sunday, the annual commemoration of the death and maiming of the young by the (mostly) old.

The Easter Parade- Faith Brothers

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Chinese Way

Over the last few months I have been trying to avoid anything made in China. It's pretty hard. Clothes, white goods, sweets- you name it- all made in China.

This isn't about racism, it's about a response to the recession and the abuse of civil liberties in that country where the Nobel Peace Prize winner is imprisoned for 11 years for daring to ask for change. Cameron is arse licking the Chinese today when he should be saying we aren't going to subsidise your regime anymore by trading with you and by the way we are going to build factories in the UK to produce all the stuff you make and we will undercut you and force you through economic means to change to allow freedom of speech , free elections and assembly. Then we will do business with you.

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Its Autumn so its time for a cold. A real bitch this one- I've had it a week and  I still feel crap.