Friday 10 April 2009


I don't know about you but when I was growing up Good Friday, was boring and long and deadly dull. No shops were open, The Greatest Story Ever Told was on the telly, it was always pissing down with rain, none of your friends nor you were allowed to play out,you had to have fish for dinner (if you were lucky it was fish and chips from the Chippy, if not it was boiled cod)and there were still two days to wait to get your Easter Eggs that you knew were somewhere in the house.
Nowadays all the shops are open and you can stuff your face with chocolate and eat what you want. Still pisses down all day though.

Easter is an end (to the Winter) and a beginning (to the long warm days of Summer), a funny transitional time.

My son is in Amsterdam this weekend with Gateshead Senators playing in a pre season tournament. He left on Wednesday afternoon on the Ferry from North Shields. He comes back Easter Monday.

My brother in law has been sacked again, after one month into his new job. Poor bastard he is not having any luck. He and my sister in law are up this weekend bet they wish they weren't now, he doesn't feel like playing happy families and I can't blame him.

Still there is always music. This is another Faith Brothers song. It's topical both because of the time of year but also because troops are returning home from Iraq with their own homecoming parades. This song although written about the Falklands war all those years ago still has resonance today.Billy Franks sings the story of a young soldier sent to fight and wounded so he "can hardly shuffle" and is kept away from the victory parades so as not to upset the cheering crowds. It makes me think of the hundreds of young men maimed and injured in Iraq and Afghanistan in the phony war against terror. This Iraq war is the main reason I will never vote Labour again. The lies and half truths and the lack of apologies for this. Oh how we wanted something new in 1997 and oh how they pissed themselves laughing at us and they still do.

MP3 The Easter Parade- Faith Brothers

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