Friday 8 May 2009

Weight of The World Pt 11

I reread that last post later in the day and was frankly a bit ashamed of myself. Not the applying for the job bit- that still applies- but the bit about being fat and not being motivated to do something about it. I thought, well at least getting thinner and fitter is something I can control. So I went to Boots bought some Adios tablets and then came back and enrolled in the BUPA 10k Run In Sunderland in July and bought some gym equipment off a mate who is moving to Belgium in July. I'm going to cancel my gym membership and just get out there and run and do some weights at home.

The mate in question is taking a career break in July and moving lock stock and barrel to Belgium. His partner is Belgian and she wants to go back home to be near her elderly parents. He doesn't speak French or Flemish so its gonna be hard but I envy him and his attitude.I wish I was that brave. He has two small kids, one is school age so it will be pretty tough for her in the first place but what an experience for them.

He is also a musician and author . He has a book out at the moment, a collection of short stories called Blunt Wound Trauma. It's good and shows promise and is an enjoyable, if slightly, shocking read. Buy it here and help him make a go of it abroad. Good luck Mick.

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