Monday, 10 August 2009

Monday I Got Friday On My Mind

Or something like that.

Well, it's Monday again and here I am at my desk in my office in August, which is probably the last place on earth I want to be right now. Luckily it's raining heavily- that nice warm(ish) Summer rain that I remember from the long summer holidays of my youth which meant a day watching the Test match on BBC1.

Talking of Test Matches what the hell happened to England at Headlingley? My son was thinking of buying tickets for the 5th day and I did warn him to wait until it started. Glad I did. My wife's cousin was not so lucky. His kids has bought him tickets for Day 5 as a birthday treat, and apparently he can't get a refund.

Big family do on Saturday up at my wife's cousin's house on Abbey Grange as rellies are over from Canada. Better than I thought it would be and everyone got on OK. It was a couple's 28th Wedding Anniversary as well and their kids had made a compilation CD of tracks from 1981. The wife and I went to their wedding at Liverpool cathedral (the Catholic one) but we don't really keep in touch. As we all get older and numbers at these gatherings decrease, we all realise how short life is and how we should make more effort to see each other.But, like every other family who feel the same, we probably won't.

There was much dancing to the CD including many a pose struck to this one.

To Cut a Long Story Short- Spandau Ballet

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