Saturday, 28 January 2012


The Jonathan Richman song has got me exploring the soundtrack to my lovelorn youth.

This song was a particular favourite of mine, and was part of a series of classic singles they released throughout 1977 /1978 which apart from this one included Orgasm Addict , Love You More, I Don’t Mind, Ever Fallen In Love With ( Someone You Shouldn’t Have), and Promises.

What Do I Get- Buzzcocks

UPDATE My daughter has been dumped by her sailor boyfriend again adding poignancy to this post.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Here Comes The Summer?

Are the days getting longer yet? It didn't feel like it this morning as I walked over the Moor to work in that strange time between daylight and sunrise when it's not quite dark but not quite light either- one of the last times I will be doing this as I am moving soon to my workplace on the other side of town.

On my MP3 player, set to shuffle today, this song came up. I‘ve probably not heard this for over 25 years and I’m not even sure why it’s on my player but it took me back to being 17/18 and wondering if I would ever meet a girl I cared about so much I would break my natural reticence and shyness and awkwardness to get her. Before I realised that most girls were feeling just the same as me and it didn't really matter.
Luckily for me I met my future wife not long after that but until then I struggled and got nowhere.

This is a great song and from a great band who produced this great album. I’ve got Roger Scott (RIP) to thank for introducing me to them on his Drivetime Capital Radio (In tune with London ) show back in the late 70’s. Are DJs as influential now?

Someone I Care About

I think this song shows that you can be rock n roll and still care and be positive. In this world women aren't bitches or Ho's and men aren't gangsta after only one thing. I found this song uplifting and comforting in 1978 and I still do in 2012.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Billy Franks

The regular readers of these pages will know that I have  a lot of time for Billy Franks the main man behind The Faith Brothers from the 80's. Just before Christmas, he released for download a live CD, From The Court To The Empire, a recording of a  gig he did a couple of years ago at the Shepherds Bush Empire.

His website, The B-Spot is here and you can buy the CD together with artwork for just £6. It includes some Faith Brother's classics and a good selection of his solo material.

 If you're not sure you want to buy the live album, you can preview clips from 3 of the tracks on his site.

If you like what you hear he is offering some copies of his last studio album The Turtledove Boutique  for sale for a fiver. If you're still not sure you can sign up and receive a link to a free 12 track compilation of his songs.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Sunny Day

Frost on the Moor, a nip in the air, clear blue skies and sunshine. this is why I love  Winter in the North East.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

New Year, Old Concerns

Well and truly back into the swing of things and the indolence and relaxation of the Christmas week off is a warm, fuzzy, fading memory. Old concerns rise to the surface after being buried for 10 days beneath the weight of mince pies, christmas pudding , old films on the TV and the Christmas and New Year football festivities.

Will 2012 be the annus horriblis I thought 2011 would be? Why am I still sat at the same desk doing the same things I have been for the last 9 years? What about the children? Are they happy, will they make something of themselves and use the education we gave them and the talents they have to be happy and make a difference?

Will the wife’s parents (and mine) sink further into old age and confusing, bizarre behaviour and how will we deal with them?

On the job front I am applying for another job!!! First for over a year. And in my current job I am being moved to an office in a much less salubrious part of the area. A challenge, Oh Joy!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

2011 Review

Happy New Year to you all. A bit late but better late than never, I say.So 2011, a good year? Or a bad year? For the world economy it was a poor year. For my economy it was a good year. The remortgaging saga was worth it in the end.

For the kids it was a mixed year.Son on his year abroad doing fine, daughter starting at college- didn’t quite get what she wanted- but enjoying it all the same and back with her boyfriend. For the wife, a frustrating year she delivered what she was employed to do but hasn’t enjoyed it. For me, Well here I am still sat at the same desk so in one way a poor year for me. But I did get a pay rise (!!!) after a lot of hassle and negotiation which for the public sector at this time is pretty good going.

The dog is now 9 but still lively as ever.

For music, it was an OK year- not outstanding but good. I particularly enjoyed Fleet Foxes' Helplessness Blues and Florence and The Machine’s Ceremonials. Brett Anderson delivered a solid new album in Black Rainbows. Adele’s 21 was a surprise for me. I sort of liked 19 but wasn’t struck overall. 21 is a brilliant mature (both musically and lyrically) album. Well worth owning. PJ Harvey’s Let England Shake was classic PJ Harvey.I have never been completely convinced by her but if you like her stuff its good. Haven’t bought or downloaded a lot of music this year but have really enjoyed discovering new music via Blogs and 6 Music and other places.

Looking forward, again we face uncertainty come the end of March with my wife’s contract ending. I am strangely not worried about this. I think we will be OK. The kids will continue to develop and grow into the good adults we raised them to be (here’s hoping)

In reality though , who knows what lies over the horizon. Nobody predicted the Arab Spring or Libya or the Euro crsis this time last year so I am not going to place any bets on what will happen this year to the world or me or the family.